A bit of myself

I am a Visual and UX Designer from Mexico, based in the Greater Seattle area. I love design, art, and the relation between these two when aiding human-computer interaction.

I have a BS in Digital Graphic Design, some Marketing studies in Italy, a Certificate in Organizational Development and an Advanced Certificate in User Experience Design and Development by the RIT.
I’ve been working in the field for the past 10 years.

My passion is to learn new stuff and work on exciting projects. On the personal side, I do some painting and crafts of all kinds. I am always looking forward to travel and learning more languages.


Currently looking for job opportunities!

My Experience

Senior User Experience Designer, HCM Cloud

March 2019 – September 2019

My last role at Oracle was with the Human Resources Cloud group. I wanted to explore opportunities in a complete different product and while HCM was just about to start a brand new Mexico based team, I saw it as a great opportunity to be pioneer of the product in Mexico.

When I joined HCM, every single Oracle product was in the middle of changing its look and feel completely and I had the opportunity to work in two different projects: help designing from scratch the Goals area of HCM and maintaining the Salary Adjustment portion of one of the products in Production. While everything was changing drastically, everything in Production had to be maintained and supported to meet immediate client needs.

Again, by splitting my time between those major projects, I had the great chance to explore my most creative side by proposing and playing around with sometimes wild brand-new ideas for Goals and also collaborating directly with Project Managers to update their products accordingly as fast as possible.

Senior User Experience Designer, Analytics Business Intelligence

January 2018 – March 2019

My activities within the Analytics BI team where broad and varied. I had the opportunity to work on specific areas of the product as a UX Designer collaborating closely with Project Managers, Developers and both Visual and User Experience Designers.
Besides working on the Design process (Mockups, Wireframes and High Resolution Prototypes), my regular activities also included designing and maintaining icons, visuals and interactive prototypes.

Our product also had four mobile applications in production and the Mobile Development Team was based in Mexico. Being the only Designer in the same location, I was also the design point of contact for them providing all the UX and Visual support required for the apps.

While working with the Analytics BI Team, the company began an entire Design restructuring and I volunteered to function as a Project Manager of one of the related projects: Wireframe Toolkit. This project consisted on creating a brand-new complete wire-framing Package (in Sketch) to be used by every single designer through the company. I had to split mi time, working 60% on our Analytics Products and 40% managing the Wireframe Toolkit. This helped me to balance different workloads and also improve my leadership and skills with agile methodologies.

In addition, had the great opportunity to work as an Interaction Designer for two high-profile Oracle Open World Keynotes (2017, Thomas Kurian & 2018, Larry Ellison).

User Experience Designer, Document Engineering

December 2013 – December 2017

I joined the Document Engineering as a result of the need the Organization had to improve and bring together all their internal products and tools.

In the beginning, being the only UX Designer in the entire organization was extremely challenging because I had to learn everything about the products as quickly as possible in order to propose and justify what was needed to improve. Back then I was working and reporting entirely to Developers and this helped me greatly to improve my communication and even front-end skills. Sometimes I would just jump in and do some basic code to help developers understand what I was talking about.

My tasks consisted mainly on the adaptation and later maintenance of the User Interface of various internal tools developed within the team. This would mean everything: wireframing, lo-fi and hi-fi mockups, icons and visual elements. Even some branding work for each of the tools and the group itself.

During these years, I also helped to design diverse campaigns for both the DocEng Org, other parter organizations and even the MDC (Mexico Development Center).

Besides my UX responsibilities within the DocEng Org, I was also a member of a team conformed of developers of different organizations (leaded by Mexico’s Development Center General Director), that focused on diverse side projects developed exclusively to meet various needs of the center.


These are my last seven years, there’s more but I don’t want to bore you. If you want to see it all, please visit my LinkedIn profile or download my resume.